2030 World Cup: Morocco faces a major challenge
2030 World Cup: Morocco faces a major challenge

For the successful organization of major global sporting events, including the 2030 World Cup awarded to Morocco, Spain and Portugal, Moroccan companies must take up a major challenge: training their executives and human resources, particularly in the field of marketing, to adopt the English language.
Moroccan companies must train their staff, especially in the field of marketing, to adopt the English language, given that Morocco will have to welcome in 2030 a new market of consumers from all over the world, the vast majority of whom speak the language of William Shakespeare. “The work must begin this year in training centers and institutes, as long as there is enough time for Moroccan companies to adopt English in their communication with the guests of the kingdom in 2030,” said Hespress Abdelkhaleq Touhami, academic and economic expert. According to him, all areas concerned with welcoming foreign visitors must now work on the English language. “The tourism sector is the first concerned by this issue,” he said.